Thanks to Brextin’s mom, Randi, for her enthusiastic endorsement! She is directly responsible in helping to get The Mayo Clinic outpatient pedi physical therapy dept to order a demo unit so they can show parents and do a trial session for their little clients who would benefit….then the parents order their own set. Randi is a tireless advocate for her son Brextin! You can visit Brextin’s blog to learn more about Medek therapy from Dr. Cuevas and other therapeutic modalities.
So, as with Brextin, remember to look for the small gains your child makes each day that you use the WaterWayBabies System. There will be changes, but they are not going to happen immediately. Parents, if you are interested, I can provide you a table so you can keep a record of arm movements, eye blinks, hands that begin to unfold, fingers that extend and spread…as well as kicks off the wall and the development of paddle kicking, legs moving alternatively that is the precursor for crawling. Just email me at if you would like this chart.
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