I wish for all of you a blessed holiday season, good health & wellness, and much to look forward to in the New Year. WaterWayBabies’ mission is to help all special children around the globe. During this holiday season, we were excited to be a #1 gift choice for many families. We were touched by the generosity of others – especially one gift given anonymously from someone to a child she’d never met. The world is full of thoughtful, generous people!
During the month of December, we shipped to far reaches such as Tasmania, Ireland, and Mexico, as well as crisscrossing the US. Nancy was interviewed for WABCswim, an international organization of infant/children swim instructors. More and more, aquatic therapists are reaching out to WaterWayBabies and placing their own orders, or facilitating their clients’ orders. Word continues to spread and grow! That could not happen without our loyal parents and happy “kid customers” – so a big THANK YOU to all for helping to tell others in need.
Swim therapy helps in many ways. Muscles are strengthened, toned, and stretched. The brain is stimulated through the increased activity and the vestibular system. The lungs expand more fully as a result of exercise and improved chest wall tone. The neck and trunk tone benefit from the child’s ability to move, rotate, and extend with support from the neck floatation device. Digestion is improved, regurgitation decreased, and weight gain supported. Best of all, the child experiences increased confidence and autonomy in the warm water unlike anything he or she can accomplish outside the water.
All this results in BIG SMILES & HAPPY GRINS for babes, kids, moms, dads, siblings, and grandparents alike!
It does take time and for that, my hat is off to all you parents who give to your children abundantly and unselfishly, showing your love, and working to insure your child’s best health. Give yourselves a big pat on the back – you deserve it!
God’s Way
When God wants a great work done in the world or a great wrong righted, He goes about it in a very unusual way. He doesn’t stir up his earthquakes or send forth his thunderbolts. Instead, He has a helpless baby born, perhaps in a simple home and of some obscure mother. And then God puts the idea into the mother’s heart, and she puts it into the baby’s mind. And then God waits. The greatest forces in the world are not the earthquakes and the thunderbolts. The greatest forces in the world are babies.
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