Hydrotherapy (water healing) has been recognized as beneficial since the dawn of civilization.
Water neutralizes the effects of gravity and enables movement with less effort.
Water therapy will improve lung capacity and strengthens extremities (arms/hands/fingers and legs/feet/toes).
Hydrotherapy studies document beneficial effects such as enhanced physical/mental development, increased weight gain and should be considered as an adjunct to traditional treatment strategies.
Baby Facts
Any baby born before 37 weeks is at risk for “developmental delays.”
Twin or multi-birth babies are often born early and have lower birth weight, making them high risk.
Low birth weight (LBW or ELBW) is another risk factor for developmental delay.
Babies born between 32-37 weeks (the “barely” premature) have the highest incidence of learning disabilities once they start school, but are seldom referred for therapy beforehand.
Babies born between 23-28 weeks are at the highest risk for lifelong disabilities, such as cerebal palsy.
Birth trauma, birth injury, or any complication at birth increases the risk of neuromotor problems, such as seizures or hypotonia (reduced muscle tone).
85% of brain development occurs during the first 3 years of life – this provides an opportunity for water therapy to enhance a baby’s physical and mental development.
Teen/Adult Facts
Brains are known to be “plastic.” In other words, one’s brain changes, grows, and heals continually even into old age. Improvements may seem slow, but they do happen! Daily or frequent use of the neck ring in a water environment is optimal.
Hydrostatic pressure decreases one’s blood pressure and increases blood flow volume to the heart as well as strengthening lungs and improved breathing over time with regular use.
Skin, joints, and muscles benefit from reduced gravity and balanced support from the water environment.
Stability and confidence are optimized with this hands-free floatation device.
A recent published study shows a man with advanced Alzheimers who ‘woke up’ when put in a pool. Watch it here!
*Warning: Never leave your child or loved one unattended in the water while using this device.*